Problematic Conditions

Problematic Conditions

Page last updated: Dec 3, 2021 @ 12:02 pm

When it comes to the reality of one person criticizing or somehow antagonizing against another person or group, it could be based on one of the following basic causes:

  1. Direct perception of target’s harmful actions, ill-intent, or some other form of threat (such as someone’s incompetency that could lead to a disaster).
  2. Programmed perception (such as through the use of indoctrination and propaganda) leading to hostile attitude and behavior.
  3. Reactive dramatization (such as learned or recorded behavior from parents or the general culture – to criticize, deny, and antagonize)
  4. Hidden frustration: people can criticize each other when they are not getting something they want especially when they cannot voice their frustrations directly. Here criticism could balloon into whole philosophies which would dissipate into thin air once the underlying frustrations get addressed.
  5. Masked intent to manipulate target’s perception to the detriment of target’s well being (including undermining the structure of relationships with others).
  6. Intoxication with neurotoxic substances or other poisons can in itself lead to a hostile state of mind especially when combined with other factors from above.
  7. Evident insanity: these would include obvious cases of clinical psychosis, paranoia, schizophrenia and the like.

Type 1: Will offer specific observations and rational reasoning in order to stop an ongoing disaster or prevent a potential one in the future.

Type 2: Will offer vilification labels and show inability to reason about one’s own conclusions or easily reflect on one’s own perception.

Type 3: Reactive dramatization is more specific to certain stimuli. If someone has an issue with cursing for example, they may start antagonizing against someone for cursing. The difference between reactive dramatizaton (RD) and conditioned perception (CP) is that RD is specific to a situation or some factor that an individual reacts to, where as CP takes on a form of a hostile generality that is maintained as an unchanging “fact.”

Type 4: Frustration over some kind of loss or failure or unrealized desires can lead to antagonistic attitude. This is usually recognized on a more intuitive basis and through questioning on the source of subject’s underlying feelings.

Type 5: In this area we are specifically concerned with masked intent to manipulate the target’s thinking and emotions. Someone can do that for a joke or some kind of prank – these forms of masked intent are of no interest here since they are short lived and do not stay hidden. What we are concerned with here is a type of personality that continually aims to manipulate other people. These can be clever and cunning and hard to detect because these specialize in invalidating and manipulating the perception of those around them thus rendering them powerless to properly assess the manipulator and the situation at large. Such cases specialize in introverting people on themselves and their own thoughts, actions, and emotions while cloaking themselves under some form of a righteous identity: a concerned citizen, a good friend, a patriarchal or matriarchal protector, or some form of a victim.

If people knew what to look for, it is Type 5 that would be identified as an anti-social personality. However, these types of people DO NOT align with Ron Hubbard’s “anti-social characteristics,” and even the very term “anti-social” could in itself be misleading as these people could appear to be quite social or even social geniuses who can take over and manipulate the minds of individuals, groups, or even entire nations. This Type is more closely described under the label of a PSYCHOPATH in good quality psychiatric literature.

Type 2 could be viewed as having CONDITIONED PSYCHOSIS in a sense that their psychological state is a product of clever manipulation (conditioning or programming) of perception that can be remedied through effective forms of psychotherapy and re-education. This state should be clearly differentiated from what could be understood as clinical psychosis – a serious and relatively irreversible condition due to some form of damage to the neurological activity such as through drugs and/or deep trauma.



An important step to developing an alternative and a more effective theory and practice in this area is to establish a greater degree of DIFFERENTIATION and UNDERSTANDING of the different types of “antisocial conditions” that can manifest. These could include some of the following:

: intelligent, calculating, able to perceive and manipulate feelings and thinking of others; lacks empathy and real emotions but can mimic them for the purpose of manipulation; can flood the target with admiration and compliments, play a victim appealing  to sympathy, and/or use intimidation to induce fear – all different ways to manipulate the target into compliance. Possible Basic Cause: Brain biology and genetics.

There are good books on the subject such as “The Psychopath Next Door” by Martha Stout. In 2014 National Geographic made a film on the subject: “The Psychopath Next Door”:

: inhibited empathy, impulsive / reckless behavior and some similar characteristics to a psychopath. Possible Basic Cause: deep trauma leading to inhibited ability to empathize with others.


: sense of exaggerated self-importance combined with delusions of conspiracy against oneself. Possible Basic Causes: drugs abuse, deep trauma, contagion of aberration (associating with a paranoid individual or group or teaching leading to the formation of a paranoid world-view).

: conflicting emotions inhibiting person’s ability to clearly observe and evaluate situations and other people leading to a reduced ability to make decisions and take actions. Possible Basic Causes: drugs effecting the nervous system, hormonal imbalance, aberrative experiences creating confusion in the mind, ASSOCIATION WITH ABERRATIVE PERSONALITIES – those who continuously interfere with the thoughts, emotions, actions and/or intentions of others with invalidations, contradictions and often times enforcement of conflicting thoughts, actions and/or emotions making the target incapable of straightforward thinking and expression of their own. [Note, this definition of an “aberrative personality” is different from the one offered by Ron Hubbard in PAB 13 On Human Behavior.]

: breakdown of contact with reality, loss of control of one’s mental functions, suffering with delusions and/or hallucinations, impaired sense of self. Possible Basic Causes: drugs, serious damage to the nervous system, targeted suppression of the subject’s perceptions and/or control of one’s own mental functions leading to the breakdown in ability to formulate coherent perceptions and handle one’s own mental functions.

Note, the term “psychosis” can in general be applied to any form of mental dysfunction in the perception of reality. For example, paranoia is a form of psychosis that specifically applies to impaired perception of other people and their intentions.

This is a very good formal definition of PSYCHOSIS:

The word psychosis is used to describe conditions that affect the mind, where there has been some LOSS OF CONTACT WITH REALITY. When someone becomes ill in this way it is called a psychotic episode. During a period of psychosis, a person’s thoughts and perceptions are disturbed and the individual may have DIFFICULTY UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS REAL AND WHAT IS NOT. Symptoms of psychosis include DELUSIONS (false beliefs) and HALLUCINATIONS (seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear). Other symptoms include incoherent or nonsense speech, and behavior that is inappropriate for the situation. A person in a psychotic episode may also experience depression, anxiety, sleep problems, social withdrawal, lack of motivation, and difficulty functioning overall.



Conditioned Psychosis (programmed or induced psychosis) can be defined as a mental state that is deliberately created (induced or brought about) through skilled manipulation (programming, conditioning) of human thinking and perception to result in a SUBSTANTIALLY INHIBITED ABILITY TO PERCEIVE other people (usually a specific target group or individual) combined with DELUSIONS and an EXAGGERATED SENSE OF THREAT that commonly lead to socially destructive behavior.

Relevant definition of verb CONDITION (Collins Dictionary):

14.  psychology
a. to alter the response of (a person or animal) to a particular stimulus or situation
b. to establish a conditioned response in (a person or animal)


Conditioned Psychosis in Scientology

This mental condition gets deliberately and “artificially” created in Scientology by:

1) Cutting people off from direct communication with each other (as through the practice of “disconnection” in Scientology or “excommunication” in other practices) and/or directly inhibiting individual’s ability to properly evaluate other people such as through Scientology’s own methods of suppressing criticism, “bad thoughts,” and other forms of evaluation (see: Overts and Withholds) – this is inhibiting the development of direct perception.

2) Beefing up fears and spreading vilification of target individuals or groups (in Scientology that’s basically anyone who disagrees with it) – creating false perception.

3) Instituting active measures to attack and destroy target individuals or groups based on such, often times, superficial vilifications as again done in Scientology under its “suppressive person” doctrine and “fair game” policies.

It is also a part of Scientology practice (or Dianetics to be exact) to eliminate a sense of “sympathy” from the psychological construct of its followers. While sympathy and empathy may not exactly be the same, there is absolutely no differentiation between the two in Scientology materials. See more detailed analysis on this point on page about Sympathy.

The resulting form of psychosis among Scientologists could be understood as conditioned (induced, programmed) psychosis where Scientologists may appear and behave sane toward each other within their group and respond in a psychotic way toward someone on the outside, especially if such a person has been labeled an enemy of the group (often times simply for some divergent thoughts and behavior that is not in line with Scientology). Then, under PTS/SP tech and related policies, Scientologists are prohibited to communicate with such a person or group (thus losing the freedom of developing direct perception) and conditioned/programmed to perceive such a person through a hostile perception construct which inevitably follows with some form of hostile behavior (cutting off contact and refusing to communicate – disconnection – is in itself a form hostile behavior).

Those in association with a psychotic person or group can themselves become psychotic through “contagion of aberration,” and this would be another form of conditioned psychosis as an individual or group under influence of a psychotic person or group will start to get psychologically “infected” with the same forms of psychotic perception constructs which will manifest in some form of hostile behavior.

It should also be noted that someone who struggles with a sense of fear and apprehension and withdraws from society and other people because of it may be paranoid but is not necessarily psychotic within the meaning in this article. A conditioned psychotic by definition is someone who actively engages in socially destructive behavior based on false or highly exaggerated perception of threat.


Conditioned Psychosis under Communism

Those hostile to communist rule or embracive of a conflicting ideology were commonly labeled as enemies of the people (also “anti-soviet” [ru: анти-советчик] in the Soviet Union specifically) and often subjected to severe forms of persecution or outright destruction.


An interesting soundtrack on the subject of mental disorders: Space Buddha – Mental Hotline.